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Pop-Up Cafe

The Vestry @ Chapel Stores

Thursdays 2 - 4pm

Tea /  Coffee £2.00

Squash 60p

Cake £1.50

We look forward to seeing you!

Pop up exhibitions


Seaby in the Forest Exhibition

Our first touring exhibition curated by St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery of original A W Seaby woodcuts and watercolours is now over. We look forward to hosting the next exhibition from St Barbe in the Autumn. In the meantime watch this space for details of what's coming next in the vestry

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Mondays  10am - 4pm

A quiet time is allowed for homeworkers to escape busy homes or just have a change of scenery. 


There's no charge but please buy a drink from the counter or do some shopping while you're here. 

Tea & Coffee £2.00

 If you would like to book a private meeting please call 02380 101524. We charge £10/hour for exclusive use of the Vestry @ Chapel Stores.

Police Beat Surgeries

Thursday 2nd May 2pm

Thursday 6th June 2pm

An ideal opportunity to meet PC Mark Roberts, the local policeman who is dedicated to our area, to talk to him about any crime related concerns you may have.

Chapel Stores Book Swap

Cat and Sarah have organised a local book swap in the lobby of Chapel Stores.

Make a donation at the shop counter for any books you want to take. When you have finished with the books feel free to bring them back so another person can enjoy them.

If you have books to donate to the book swap please WhatsApp or text Cat on 07931 267395. Please do not just leave books in the shop as we are keen to keep the area tidy.

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