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East Boldre Community Stores Limited

Chapel Stores, Chapel Lane, East Boldre, SO42 7WP

Run by our members for the benefit of our community.

EBCS has a wide diverse community membership of predominantly local people to steer our business.

By buying community shares in our Community Benefit Society m
embers can stand for election to the management committee and can vote on key decisions. Regardless of their shareholding every member has one vote.

Once the existing shares become withdrawable (expectation is March 2026) we may be able to provide additional opportunities for local people to become members.

As a Community Benefit Society we are registered on the FCA's Mutuals Register, society number 8481.

Annual Members Meeting Minutes

Reports on Annual Accounts

Share Offer 2023

We raised £225,000 through our community share offer in 2023 towards the funding we needed to acquire premises and create Chapel Stores. 

SITR certificates have now been issued to qualifying members.

The Audit Options for Our Society

Community Benefit Societies have four financial audit options (only one of which is actually a formal audit).

Our society has a rule which gives us the power not to appoint auditors to audit our accounts (option 4) subject to a vote with an appropriate majority (80%) at our Annual Members’ Meeting.

  • We satisfy the FCA’s requirements for this rule to be applied (our turnover <£5.1m and assets <£10.2m).

  • A full audit costs ~£5000 (option 4); We do not consider that this represents good value as it is not required by either our rules or the FCA.

The FCA provides a decision tree to determine which type of audit is required. It shows that for the financial year 2023/4 we must opt for option 3 as our income for that year was above the threshold.

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